C-8 An Act to reinstate the death penalty and sentences

WHEREAS it is recognized that the most terrible crimes are in such direct contravention of the rights of citizens and the well-being of society;

AND WHEREAS reformation of these criminals is not feasible, the release of said criminals is not desirable, nor is their permanent detainment fiscally responsible;

RECOGNISING that this will decrease the crime rate and decrease the population of the prison system through enhanced deterrents to committing crime and the ceasing of the internment of the worst criminals;

NOW, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:


Short title

  1. This Act may be cited to as the Revised Prisoner Penalty Act, September 2015.


  1. This Act seeks to effectively counter the overpopulation of the Canadian Prison system.

Revised Prisoner Penalty Act

Dealing with convicted murderers

  1. (1) Persons convicted of first degree murder shall be automatically sentenced by the trial judge to death by lethal injection.
    (2) Every person convicted with any form of mass murder will be sentenced to death by lethal injection.
    (3) A death sentence shall be carried out as soon as possible.

Prison management and control

  1. (1) Prisons will now be in control of the federal government and jurisdictions.
    (2) There will be 3 prison types:

    1. Maximum security;
    2. Medium security; and
    3. Low security.

    (3) Each prison will be equipped with a hospital, security cells, solitary confinement cells, and suicide watch cells, with guards posted in all wards of a prison.
    (4) A prisoner interred in any Canadian penitentiary or prison may be subjected to search and questioning without notice by any government ministry that has submitted a written request to the warden of the prison the prisoner in question is interred.

Changes to prison mandatory minimum sentences

  1. (1) If found guilty of corruption and contempt, the minimum sentence will be 20 years with no parole until half of the sentence is served.
    (2) Illegal drug offences will have a mandatory minimum sentence of:

    1. three years for the first count of drug trafficking a person has been convicted for;
    2. five years for the second count of drug trafficking a person has been convicted for; and
    3. ten years for the third and every subsequent count of drug trafficking a person has been convicted for.

    (3) Gang related offences will be subjected to the Ministry of Public Safety investigation with sentences varying from life to 2 years imprisonment.
    (4) The minimum sentence for all other criminal activity that does not involve death will be 2 years.
    (5) The minimum sentence for any charges not listed above will be subjected to a court’s judgment or any other Act of Parliament.
    (6) Persons convicted of charges for which subsection (5) are applied will have a chance of parole after having served no less than one half of their sentence.
    (7) Notwithstanding any part of this section, an Act which establishes a higher minimum sentence shall be deemed by a court to supersede the provisions of this Act.
    (8) As a result of this Act’s coming into force, any section of any Act establishing a minimum sentence less than the minimum sentences set out in this Act shall be set aside and deemed for all purposes as null and void for such a time as this Act remains in effect.
    (9) Should this Act be repealed, all provisions set aside by subsection (8) shall become effective once more.

Coming into force

  1. This bill will come into force the moment upon receiving Royal Assent.

Scheduled phase-in

  1. Notwithstanding section 6 of this Act, section 4 of this Act shall be phased in over a period of five calendar years, commencing upon this Act receiving Royal Assent.

This Bill is submitted by /u/piggbam and seconded by /u/2adamstoon as a Private Member’s Bill.