Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:
(1) Freedom of Movement of people is to be allowed for between the 4 countries of the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, allowing for restrictions placed upon in section 2 of this Act.
(2) It shall entail the rights, subject to limitations under section 2 of this Act for said migrants:
(3) Qualifications achieved in one of the 4 countries shall be mutually recognized by all of the other countries in the agreement.
(4) The governments of the nations involved in this agreement will remain independent and sovereign with respect to all agreements, negotiations and conditions regarding free movement between these 4 countries.
(5) If one or more of the countries involved in the agreement do not enact an Act that sets out the same terms as this Act, the actions set out in this Act will continue between the remaining countries that accept it.
(4) The following health conditions apply when exercising the rights granted by this Act:
(1) This Act may be referred to as the Free Movement between the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada Act.
(2) This Act will apply to Canada.
(3) This Act shall only come into force if an Act that sets out the same terms as this Act is also enacted by at least one of the following countries:
(4) This Act shall come into force a year after being enacted, subject to the conditions set out in this section.
This Bill was submitted by the Prime Minister /u/Canadianman22 and seconded by the Deputy Prime Minister /u/doc_mp on behalf of Her Majesty’s Government.